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How your donations to LGOM are used. |
Tom and Sheila Shidler are the Directors of LGOM. They along with their granddaughter, Heather, live in Weslaco, Texas, where the office of LGOM is located. The Shidlers have been in full-time mission work for over twelve years ministering in Mexico, the United States, and Ireland. They are called by the Lord is to train the Body of Christ for the work of the ministry according to the model of Ephesians 4:11-16.
Offerings made to LGOM as general fund or designated for Tom and Sheila provide income for the following:
Ministry Trips into Mexico, the United States, and Ireland
(Food, fuel, lodging, transportation, teaching supplies, Bibles, vehicle maintenance, and vehicle insurance in both the United States and Mexico)
Office and Dormitory Expenses
(Electricity, water, printing, postage, banking fees for deposits made to the Krechnyaks and other missionaries supported through LGOM, equipment, building maintenance, insurance (liability for visiting ministry as well as building coverage)
Salary (Tom receives a salary, less than $15,000 per year, from LGOM for the support of his family of three)
James and Rachel Krechnyak, along with their two boys, Caleb and Benjamin, serve as missionaries in Portloais, Ireland. They have spent several years working with local ministries in and around Kilkenny, training church members for the work of the ministry. They have also been very active in music ministry as part of a band leading worship concerts. This year they felt the call of the Lord to begin a church plant in the Portloais area. The country of Ireland, which once was the greatest missionary sending nation in the world (per capita), is now less than one percent evangelical Christian. It is a hard location for beginning a new work, but the Lord has blessed them with a strong foundation (approximately 15 people) from which they can develop a mature church. Their desire is to one day set in a pastor over this congregation and begin anew in another location.
One hundred percent of all offerings sent into LGOM designated for James and Rachel Krechnyak are deposited into their account. This family of four has been ministering and living off of an annual income of less than $15,000 per year. With the exchange rate of around $1.40 US to the Euro, and Ireland being one of the most expensive countries in which to live in the European Union, it has not been easy. The “Portlaoise Family Worship Centre” will take several years to become financially self-sufficient. It is the desire of James and Rachel to see the money coming in from the church going back into the ministry, eventually creating funds to pay for the Irish ministers who will be raised up. While the church is temporarily giving a small amount of the income to James and Rachel to supplement their income, for the most part, they need to live on money raised in the United States in order to help this new work get started and become an Irish ministry. Please check out their information on our web site and ask the Lord if He would have you become a part of the church in Ireland.
Chris and Deanna Clark coordinate the LGOM construction ministry, “Build Mexico,” and live in Reynosa, Mexico. They live on the grounds of Iglesia Metodista El Camino in a small camper trailer and operate out of a semi-trailer that has been converted to tool shop and office space. Operating overhead for each construction project is included in the cost of the project that is borne by the teams that provide the project labor. From time to time, funding is needed for certain projects and tools or equipment. These projects are those that are better handled by contracting with local Mexican tradesmen either because group labor is not necessary or because most groups lack the skills needed to complete the project, for example, stuccoing buildings. At these times, special appeals are sent out requesting the funds for the specific project, tool, or equipment, and the requests are also posted on the LGOM website. For more information please go to: Sponsor a Project or Construction Ministry Needs. Chris and Deanna have adequate personal resources to cover their living and personal expenses.
Life Giving Outreach Ministries is a 501(c)(3) corporation and your contributions are tax deductible. Please note on your check the area of ministry that you are wishing to support.
Our Mailing address is:
Life Giving Outreach Ministries
PO Box 138
Weslaco, TX 78596
Phone: 956 968 5784
web: www.lgom.net
Links on this website:
LGOM Home | Tom and Sheila's Home | James and Rachel's Home | Build Mexico Home | Mission Opportunities | ||||||
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