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Tom and Sheila Shidler


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At 2:00 a.m. the Lord woke me with a sounding alarm, "SCHMOOZERS!!! SCHMOOZERS!!! They're all SCHMOOZERS!!!"  I sat bolt upright.  As I did, I could see the faces of morning show hosts.  You know who they are.  The Lord showed me their cute faces, and I heard their cute little giggles and open mouthed laughter, but the Lord said, "They are all schmoozers!!"  He had my attention.  What on earth is a schmoozer?  The root word is schmooze.  It is a Yiddish word (wouldn't it be like God to use Yiddish?). It means idle conversation, chatter, gossip.  Get the picture??

Then this is the word that the Lord spoke to me:

Farewell to America! She will never be the same.  The land where innocent children play, where neighbors stop to talk on the street.  They will run in darkness, seeking crumbs to eat.  Her people have become her ruin.  They have sought and bought all that this world has to offer and yet are not satisfied.  So they have come to their ruin with their thirsting and lusting, calling it "freedom."  Their definition of freedom has cost us all.  Why must it cost us ALL?  Because we, the "watchmen," have stood by deaf, dumb, and blind.  We have not spoken nor acted to save--we have been led like sheep to the slaughter and not stood with the Sword of the Spirit in our hand.

He gave us a Sword and prematurely we beat it into plowshares, not knowing that peace has not come.  Peace has not come, but a torrent of evils, and we are weak and ill-equipped to fight.  We are fat and slothful with our earthly goods.  Sin has had its season!!

Is this the people for which our Lord has given so much?!!

GET UP!!!  Night is not yet here; it is still day.  GET UP!! GIRD YOURSELF with TRUTH!!! Take up the SWORD!!  Put on HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!!  SHAKE OFF the effects of death from asphyxiation (schmoozing).  Do you know the TRUTH?!! Jesus says He is THE WAY!  HE is THE TRUTH!!  HE is THE LIFE!!  NO ONE!!  NO ONE!!  Not even one can come to the Father (God Himself) except through Him.  HIM the way, HIM the Truth, HIM  the Life!

We talk of what He has done.  We talk of what He will do, but we are schmoozed to the NOW!  Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and forever, but what about today??

Have we grown weary in well doing?  Have we tired of being a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a HOLY NATION??

He told us we would have enemies--He has an enemy.  He told us to have NO part with them.  Yet we have bought the story of the schmoozers--we're all okay.  How quickly we have forgotten that we have been purchased with BLOOD.  HIS BLOOD!!  Not the blood of goats and calves--but the Blood of the only ONE  worthy to redeem us.  Hallelujah!!!!  We are not our own.  We have a Beloved Master.  He beckons us to give our all.  ALL!!!  Open your  mouth. He will fill it.  And if He does not, be silent--wait until He does.

Our country is in great danger, but not by the fault of our President or Vice President.  Not Secretary of State Rumsfeld.  But in the battlefield of the mind and heart of every man, woman, and child.  On 9-11-01 an attack came on our country, an attack that momentarily united us; yet, the outcome is as fatal to us as to those who perished on that fateful day.  We are a nation divided, blaming our leaders and divided in our allegiances.

I still pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

        Tom and Sheila Shidler.

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August 4, 2004 Update

Well the "Dog Days" of summer are upon us here on the border and things are heating up.  Normally this month finds us running here and there on both sides of the border, but this year is different.  Tom was sent a federal jury summons for the month of August.  That meant he needed to be available for the entire month on the border.  His report date was August 3rd.  On August 2nd a call came to release him from service (it seemed that they had called too many for service). What an unexpected blessing that was.  To have the whole month set aside for jury duty meant that nothing could be scheduled and our calendar needed to be open for the court.  So, after the fast and furious month of July, we now find we have a month to catch up on our office work that had piled up.  Thank You Lord.

As busy as July was, we found that there was time for everything He had set before us.  As we reported in a previous update, July fourth weekend had us in Reynosa, Mexico, ministering with the Smallwoods from Pennsylvania and Shana Atwood from Missouri.

Then on the 12th of July our daughter, Alicia, and her husband, Shane,  both youth pastors, brought a group of 15 from their home church, Lifespring Church of God, Piedmont, South Carolina.  They came in on a Monday after a long 23-hour drive ready for service to God and the people in Mexico.  Tuesday morning we were up early preparing for the day.  Just think of the logistics of 18 people (including us) all needing breakfast and showers in three small bathrooms. Nothing but God could have made it possible. Everyone preferring one another was the order of the day.

Before heading to Reynosa that first morning, Shane served us all communion. What a great way to put the focus on Jesus Christ and bring us all into the unity of the Spirit for our service ahead.  The next three days were filled with opportunities of service to the Lord.  Our arrival at the Colonia "Quince de Enero" (a subdivision named "Fifteenth Of January") brought some culture shock to the group.  Most of the group had never been outside the U.S. before.  So for them to be thrust into an area where homes are made of what ever is at hand, and where the roads are so deeply rutted and full of mud that they could only resemble a BMX course was quite a shock.  But the love of Jesus in their hearts made them ready to serve.  Teams broke up to tackle the tasks at hand.

One team prepared food bags (beans, rice, and powered milk) to be distributed.  Another took on the task of wiring two homes for electricity, and still another went to work painting the outside of the local Methodist church.  After one task was complete, they would move on to the next.  As you will see when you look at the pictures we have posted on our website, there were more than enough projects to work on.  Besides bagging food, wiring homes, painting the church, we also painted the playground at the church, moved gravel onto the playground so it can be used when the rain (and mud) comes, and moved a large pile of dirt to fill the low spot in a neighbor's yard so they would have an area dry enough to hang clothes during the muddy season.

In the evening when we returned to Weslaco on the first day, we took time to talk with the group about their experiences.  It was amazing to hear how God had moved in each one.  One of the most profound statements came from Chelsea who said how amazing it was to see people who had nothing yet were so happy.  She had seen that our happiness was not in our comforts and possessions but in Christ alone.  We can be happy, as Paul said, in whatever state we find ourselves in.  Now that is a lesson we ALL need to learn.

  As you can see, we were able to attend a service at the local church.  What an experience!!  It was beautiful to hear the brothers and sisters in Mexico singing Lord I Lift Your Name on High at the same time as the Americans were singing.  That must be what it is like for God when He listens to the whole body worldwide as we worship, only multiplied many times over.  How beautiful is the concert of worship when it flows from the heart.

With the departure of this group, the next group arrived.  That is literally the truth.  The first group left about ten on Friday morning, and we were at the Harlingen airport picking up the next at 1 p.m. to head south of the border.

Pastor Randy Pace headed up this team, made up of members of Family Worship Center in Shepherdsville, Kentucky.  They were geared and ready for their mission trip to the interior.  We stopped the first night in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, about 220 miles in country.  Before leaving the next morning for Tampacan, we took time for communion.  By breaking bread (the Body) and drinking the juice (the Blood), we declare we are in unity with the Lord and one another.  It builds us into a unit ready for service.

For the next five days we shared our faith with brothers and sisters in the Lord from a different village every night.  One of the main reasons for this trip was to prepare the way for the beginning of the school we are starting in September.  Family Worship Center Church has purchased the International School of Ministry program for use in Tampacan, Mexico.  (You can find out more about this at our website )  There is a great need for the Body of Christ to be trained and ready for service.  The harvest is at hand and we need to be preparing those who will be doing the work.

  Every member of the FWC group came ready to share.  They took every opportunity they could to share Jesus with the people.  It didn't matter that it was HOT (which it was); it didn't matter we were all crammed into a van (12 Americans and as many as 7 Mexicans), or that the food was different.  They shared the love of Jesus with all.  Go to our website and click on "July 17, 2004 - Family Worship Center, Shepherdsville, KY" next to their picture to share in their experience.

On the way home at the Tropic of Cancer marker


We would love to have you come along on our next trip into Mexico. If you heart is leading you this way, please contact us at or 956-968-5784.

Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !


Tom and Sheila Shidler

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July 7, 2004 Update

Well, the first wave of the July missions marathon is over.  Larry and Jimmie Lu Smallwood and family have departed along with fellow missionary Shana Atwood for their homes in Pennsylvania and Missouri, respectively.  It was great having them with us and introducing them to the ministry in Reynosa, Mexico.

They ministered in a Sunday morning service at a Methodist Church in the Colonia "15th of January,"  Shana leading Children's Sunday School and Jimmie Lu leading the adults.  Larry ministered in the morning service.

On Monday, the 5th of July, we loaded up the green van and headed off to the "Big Heart" orphanage in Reynosa where ministry and fun were the order of the day.  The home churches of Shana and the Smallwoods were very generous in what they sent to meet the needs of these children, everything from clothes and sandals to toys and toiletries.

Please check out our web site for all the pictures of this past trip.

The next wave of ministry teams arrives Monday the 12th, followed by another team on the 16th.  During these few days of down time, we will be preparing for the next wave.

Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it. We need YOU !

Tom and Sheila Shidler

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June 23, 2004 Update

Well, we have made it back to the border after two and a half months of itineration travel.  It was great seeing everyone and sharing what the Lord is doing in your lives as well as with us here at LGOM.  Just to bring you up to date on the past few months, here's what happened.

We started our journey on April 6.


click on the image to enlarge

We built a set of kitchen cabinets for Pastor Sonny and Dianna Buckingham (Weatherford TX).



Then we visited Monna and Wallace Journey and worshiped with them at a new home church (Nashville, TN).

Next we attended the graduation of our daughter and son-in-law, Alicia and Shane Taylor, from Holmes Bible College (Greenville, SC).

From there, we took a one-day trip to Disney World to celebrate the graduation of Alicia and Shane (Orlando, FL).

From Florida, we traveled to Piedmont, SC, where we met with the mission team from Life Spring Church preparing for their July Mission trip with LGOM.  Then we visited with Family Worship Center in Shepherdsville, KY, and made final preparations for their July Mission trip to Tampacan, Mexico, with us.

We had an overnight stop to visit Bob and Mary Kay Krause (Hamilton, OH) and then went on to spend one night with Tom's sister, Ruth Gemel, in Brunswick, OH.  From there we visited Eileen Shidler (Tom's mom) and helped her get her house on the market and hold a garage sale (Sterling Heights, MI).

From Michigan, we traveled on to Indiana for an overnight visit with family in Ft Wayne.  We stopped the next night and ministered at New Life Tabernacle (Charleston IL).

We had a wonderful two-night stay with Joe and Yvonne Stice in Hannibal, MO.   The next day found us stopping by By-Faith Ministries, a missionary supply house in St Louis, MO.  Sunday we shared with North Gate Church (Rolla MO).

We built another set of kitchen cabinets for Joe and Sue Coney (Houston MO).

We took the time to visit and get to know the ministry team form Eternal Life Church ( Houston, MO) and then stopped to visit with Pastors J and Jean Cox (Lebanon, MO).  Afterwards, we went up to see Tom and Deanna Jones near Des Moines, IA, and encountered some storms that night!

On we went to visit Rivers of Life Church in Wymore, NE, to share the work in Mexico, and Memorial Day weekend found us visiting with Sharon Huett and family and with Martha Coney (Kansas City, MO).  Then it was back to Texas to finish up the trim on the cabinets for the Buckinghams and to worship with Pastor Marsha McDonald in Cool, TX, who was our pastor when we left for the mission field.

At last we were off to see our son Adam (Airman 1st Class) graduate from his Air Force technical training with Honorable Mention and as MVP of his class (San Angelo, TX).

Home at last on June11th!  If this seemed long to read, you should have been with us!!

Now that we are home, we have spent some time putting out all the hot spots that have ignited since we left last April.  Two days after we left, the home of the mother and father of our dear friends the Garzas was destroyed by fire.  They have been living in our home since that night.  God is providing them with a new home (they had no insurance on the old home) from an organization called "Proyecto Azteca."  They will have to pay only $100 per month on a no-interest loan for the cost of the materials as well as provide 1000 hours of sweat equity in the construction.  What a blessing.

The LGOM team (plus some) went to work for several days to help them get their home.  What a joy it is to sow your lives into others.


L>R Tom, Anna, Deanna, Sheila, Chris, Caleb, Adam


Caleb, Sheila, Adam




What's ahead?  July will find us (Tom and Sheila) busy with three teams back to back.  Two will minister on the border, and the third we will take to Tampacan for a week.  More on these later.

Our heart's desire is that all will know Him and what it means to serve others as He served.  God Bless and remember, whenever we give a drink of cool water to another we are serving Jesus!!!

Tom and Sheila

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Prisoner abuse in Iraq

We are all aware of the constant news reports about the prisoner abuse in the prisons of Iraq. You would have to have been living on a deserted island or in a cave to have not heard anything about this. There has been much finger pointing as to who is to blame or who is responsible for letting these things happen. Our military is not trained to be inhumane, they are not trained to be cruel to their captives. So, where is all this coming from? What has caused some of our troops to become cruel to their prisoners as was the method of Iraq’s former dictator Saddam Hussein?

This was all very puzzling to me until I heard on the news that all of this happened in the very same jail where Suddam tortured many of his prisoners. Don’t take my word for this. When I went to MSNBC’s web site this morning I found the following statement in the first paragraph of the article on prisoner abuse in Iraq;

Abu Ghraib and Beyond
The Bush administration says the U.S. atrocities at Saddam's "old jail" were the work of a few. But prisoner abuse is more widespread, and lots of people are passing the buck. A NEWSWEEK investigation reports.

Now isn’t that interesting?

The Bible says “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Eph. 6:12 In other words, there is an evil presence that was given authority to take up residence in those jails by the actions of Saddam when he was in power.

Our troops are under attack. They are not only under attack in the natural but they’re being attacked in the spiritual as well. Ever since the war began over in Iraq we have been praying for our troops. Praying for their safety, praying for them to be victorious, praying for them on the field of battle, but the Lord has shown me that we haven’t been doing the spiritual warfare needed to really protect our troops. We need to be coming against the demonic powers that have held power there for too long. We need to stand in the gap for our troops in the Middle East who are having to deal with these unseen hosts of hell that are constantly looking for an opportunity to influence whomever is in charge. Their whole purpose after all is to roam around looking for those whom they might devour.

We, who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, need to rise up and do battle in
the heavenlys for those we have sent as ambassadors of freedom in this world. The Scripture tells us that "...whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Mat. 18:18 NIV Won’t you please join us in prayer for our troops? Pray for their protection, yes, but let’s also pray that they be protected from the demonic influence that has held power there for too long. We need to get serious about tearing down these principalities so that the people of Iraq, as well as our troops, can be free.

Tom and Sheila Shidler

May 2004

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May 11, 2004 Update

The Lord has blessed us greatly on our itineration trip.  So far we have traveled from Weslaco to Detroit by way of Greenville SC.  We have met with two churches who are sending mission teams to Mexico this July, as well as churches and individuals who are vital participants in the ministry of LGOM and we built a set of kitchen cabinets for a Pastor and his wife in Weatherford TX.

The two groups will be coming back to back in the middle of July.  The first group is from Life Spring Church near Greenville SC. Our daughter and son in-law are the youth pastors there and we were able to answer many of their questions about the trip.  The second group is from Family Worship Center in Shepherdsville KY.  This second group will be going into the interior with us to kick off the Bible College starting in Tampacan this July.  This school is a two year program on video that has 159 lessons form teachers such as Joyce Myers, TL Osborne, Rienhart Bonke and Jack Hayford just to name a few.  Upon completion of this School, the qualified graduates will receive an Associates Degree from the International School of Ministry in California.  The people in the Tampacan area of Mexico do not have access to a Bible College education without moving to a major city for the 2 or 3 years of study needed to complete the course.  This would mean leaving family and work to attend school.  By God providing these studies, we are able to train more for the work of the ministry without interfering with the work they are doing for the Lord now.

 We will now begin making our way back south with many stops along the way.  Please continue praying for this trip for us.  We will post updates along the way. 

Much love in Christ,
Tom and Sheila and Heather

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Tampacan Women's Conference 2004


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The ministry team with Pastor Daniel and his family

Attendees and ministry team - day 2

Distributing gift bags to the attendees

March 30, 2004

I rejoice greatly as I report on the Women’s Conference 2004 in Tampacan. On the first day, disappointment flooded my soul when only seven women showed up. As you know, I had believed for 1,000 women from in and around Tampacan to be in attendance. Even so the Lord was present, and He ministered so sweetly to all of us who were there. He led us on to persevere, and the ministry team of Jim and Helen Krechnyak, Mike and Marci Janik, Julia Cano, Chris and Deanna Clark and Tom and Sheila Shidler just began to intercede and cry out to God.

God is good, and the second day was different. Word got out quickly after the first day that God had prepared a “banquet” for the women. Although there were not nearly the numbers we had prepared for, there were certainly more women there.

The theme was “His Banner over me is LOVE.” We began to see that His love was the key to unlocking the wounded places that He longed to heal in our Mexican sisters. We poured out His oil and His wine to bring restoration and refresh each one. Helen came prepared with beautiful visuals expressing how His love changes us and makes us new creatures in Him. Marci led us to the Heart of the Father and helped us all see what joy awaits us when we take hold of His hand and obediently follow. Sheila followed up with teachings from the Song of Solomon with expressions of His love for His Bride. We passed out the gifts that you so generously helped to provide to beaming faces. Hugs went out in abundance as each sister longed to be touched and shown that they mean so much to us.

The last day we presented mini-sessions on Godly families. We had asked each woman to invite her husband/boyfriend to join her for the final day of the Conference, and many came. Jim and Helen, Mike and Marci, and Tom and Sheila Shidler each expressed from their hearts and the scriptures God’s design for the family. Couples were invited to pray for God’s direction in their individual, family, and ministry lives. The Lord’s Table was prepared and we asked each family to repent and forgive each other. Each man was asked to come and take the elements of the Lord’s supper and share them with his wife and children, if they were in attendance. There was celebration in the house as each one received anew from the hand of our Father forgiveness and healing.

As evening settled over Tampacan, we gathered for the final ministry of this conference. The church was filled to capacity. Once again we asked for couples to come together, and we insisted that husbands and wives sit with one another. This seemed strange to some and rumors were flying that we were going to ask them kiss each other! We did ask for them to hold hands and for the husband to take his wife and look into her eyes. Then we asked those brave men among them to embrace their wives, and yes, we did indeed ask the very brave to kiss their wives. You should have seen some of those women. The men were willing, but the women could not believe that we would ask them to do this in “the Church.”

How often do we resist the love of the Father in the same manner? Do we dare to think that He will express His love for His Bride in His Temple? We went to Song of Solomon once more where the Shulamite says “let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for thy love is better than wine.” God, the Father, has set his perfect design for the love relationship between a man and his wife, and the two of them for their children, the fruit of their love relationship. He desires even more that as we express love, one for another, we also direct our love to Him. God is love!!!

We are so grateful to all who have worked together to help make this conference a success. Those who came to minister, those who sent gifts, those who helped to prepare the gifts, those who generously shared from your personal finances. We know your hearts that you do not do these things that you would be recognized of men, but we want to recognize you and that our God for you.

Thank you!!!!!


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February 2004 LGOM News

Increased Ministry Opportunities in 2004

So many new doors have opened up to us that we are seeking God which way to go. In addition to the consistent ministry in Tampacan for the last 8 years, we began outreaches into the neighboring county of Tanquian. In March Brother Charles Provost of Deer Park, TX (board member of LGOM) accompanied us for our first venture, a Pastor’s Conference, in Tanquian. We fell in love with the people there. They are very warm and receptive, in addition to longing for more of the Word and Spirit of God.

nvitations have come from Ciudad Valles, Ciudad Victoria and Saltillo. In January of 2004, we accepted an invitation to Ciudad Valles for some teachings on Children’s ministries. The door is wide open to this huge city and we pray that God will use us there for His Glory.

In this photo, Sheila teaching class on puppet construction at the Church in Cd. Valles.

Ciudad Victoria and Saltillo are future opportunities that we are seeking the Lord about. Please pray for these areas and for us, that we will use Godly wisdom to go where He says GO!

October 2003 brought the ministry from the panhandle of Texas. Brother Nathan Hopson, Board member of LGOM, gathered the seasoned Deliverance Ministry team of Marvin and Kathy Sistrunk, Janey Hopson, Cindy and Tommy McElroy. to come to south Texas to teach on this very necessary ministry to all who would come to receive. Three days and three nights, they came from all over the Rio Grande Valley to hear, learn and receive DELIVERANCE. The response from the people here was tremendous and the very real presence of the Holy Spirit of God was evident for all of us who were there. Brother Nathan’s doctors insisted that he not make the two day trip into Mexico, so in his place he sent Brother Ron Brunson from Plainview TX. Brother Ron, Tommy, Cindy, their two boys Colby and Jason, Sheila, Tom and Heather headed south for a week of teachings in Mexico on DELIVERANCE. The people were ready and receptive for what God had deposited into the heart of Brother Ron as he poured out, they drank. Brother Ron taught and ministered 3 days and 3 nights. No one who came ready to receive was turned away.


Christmas for the Children

In December we had the privilege to share about 150 Christmas gifts with the Children in Tampacan and surrounding villages. Their little eyes lit up with anticipation of what was inside the little Lone Ranger lunch boxes. Thanks to many of our wonderful and generous supporters we had candies and small gifts to fill each one. What fun we had.




March Women’s Conference.......

March is quickly approaching and with it comes the second WOMEN’S CONFERENCE in Tampacan. We are so excited about this ministry opportunity. The women of the Huasteca area are strong of character. They are growing in their spiritual walk with the Holy Spirit of God. Our desire is to encourage them on their journey. This year Jim and Helen Krechnyak, parents of James in Ireland, will be coming to minister, as well as, Mike and Marci Janik of Rio Vista, Texas and David and Ellen Feeler of Rolla, Missouri. Along with Tom and Sheila they will be ministering the love of the Father toward His daughters. March 21-26 are the days that we ask for specific prayers for this team. Each one are mature in their walk with the Lord and bring with them their unique gifts, given only by God, to share in abundance.

If you could consider helping to fund this outreach of love, we could sure use the help. Each woman who attends will receive a gift from this ministry. If you would be interested to purchase hygiene items, such as body soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorants, feminine sanitary napkins, etc. or a nice kitchen towel or ink pen, just an expression of love from you to them, we would be most appreciative. This type of items are not readily available in the Tampacan area, and those that are are beyond their financial reach.

We know that God will bless you for all that you do to assist. Thank you and God bless you.

Tom and Sheila


Our Vision Grows........

The very heartbeat of the Father is that we would minister His love to the lost and hurting. Jesus came that we would have life, but not just life, life in greater abundance. The vision of LGOM continues to expand to the outermost parts as God leads. He is not in a BOX nor does He put us in one. He has freely given us the gift of salvation, therefore we freely give it as well. We rejoice to know that our Father has chosen us to go and bring the Great News of Jesus Christ wherever He says GO. You are the backbone of this vision. Without you responding in love to the call of God to SEND we are as a body without a frame. We have a desire, but lack the strength to carry it out. Thank you, THANK YOU, for your generous outpouring of love throughout the years to make this VISION a REALITY.

The Price of Growth.......

The ministry grows and so do the expenses. Our insurance alone has increased 52% over the past year. We have never filed a claim, yet this is a viable need for any ministry. It is to cover not only us, but those who go with us or visit here in Weslaco, in our home. As we all know gasoline prices continue to rise. In Mexico the prices have climbed to around $3.00 per gallon.

On The Road Again

We will once again be itinerating this April-June to help to increase the support base for LGOM. If you would like for us to put you on our schedule please let us know. In addition we ask you to please prayerfully consider introducing us to someone you know that also has a heart to see the Kingdom of God advancing through missions, we would love to meet them and share the vision of LGOM. All of us, working together, can say Mission Accomplished.

Remember, please, that LGOM is a support based ministry, both in Mexico and Ireland. All of us live solely by the support of those who see the vision with us. James and Rachel, Tom and Sheila, Chris and Deanna, we give our lives investing in the lives of others. Won’t you join us in the LIFE GIVING OUTREACH MINISTRY!

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to LGOM remember to mark one of the following on the Memo line of the check as to where you would like your donation applied.

LGOM - LGOM Ireland - LGOM "Build Mexico"

PO BOX 138
Weslaco Texas 78599

Thank you and God Bless,

Tom and Sheila Shidler

On the Personal Side.....

God blessed us more than we can express this Thanksgiving and Christmas. For 4 years our daughter, Alicia and her husband, Shane, have planned to come to Texas for Thanksgiving. We had been waiting for the day. With Adam’s enlistment in the Air Force, we were especially hoping for them to be here. It would seem so empty just Tom, Sheila and Heather. As the plans were unfolding for them to be here, Adam advised us that his graduation from basic training would take place over the Thanksgiving weekend. We were torn about being in San Antonio with him, or staying here to be with Alicia and Shane. Then Alicia found out that she could not get off from work, and they would have to come for Christmas. HALLELUJAH!! Problem solved.

As we made plans to go to San Antonio we talked with Sheila’s uncle, (retired Air Force) who lives just north of there. He wrote to Adam’s commanding officer to get permission to take Adam and a friend off base for the day. He had already invited other family members to come together to give thanks and feast. Uncle James and Aunt Jackie from Dallas, Uncle Spike and Aunt Ruth, Joanna from Sweeney, cousins not seen for years all gathered for lunch. What a day!! It was so great to be with family and Adam as well. The next day was glorious as we attended the graduation events at Lackland Air Force Base. Pride was busting out all over!! Then we had to get back to Weslaco and then on to Mexico. Adam was transferred to San Angelo, Texas where he will be in Tech School until June 2004.

As we were passing out gifts in Mexico and celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus, Alicia and Shane were making final preparations to come HOME for Christmas. On December 20 at 2:30 a.m. the long awaited travelers arrived. WHO could sleep? Then we all went to the bus station in McAllen for the midnight arrival of Adam. Eric came to visit several times while his sister and brother were here. Oh God, could you have blessed us any more than this?? Our celebration was filled with merriment as our children once again filled our home. This is why Jesus came, to give us the GIFT of love for one another. In the photo: Adam, Shane, Alicia, Eric, Heather, Tom and Sheila

Now on to 2004. Alicia and Shane are back to their jobs and youth ministry in South Carolina. Adam is back at school in San Angelo and Heather is back to her routine of home-schooling, traveling with us and being a real blessing.

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