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In the Blink of an Eye

Wow!! What a whirlwind of a year.  If the first half of the year went like a blur, this last half was not more than just a blink of an eye. I can sure understand the old saying of "Best laid plans of mice and men".  It seems that no matter what we set in motion we must leave room for the Holy Spirit to rearrange.

The Deliverance conference that we had set for Weslaco the last week of October moved to the first week.  The team came in from North Texas right on the heals of our return from three months of itineration.  What a time we had.  The Lord met with us from beginning to end.  Not only the dates changed for this conference but also the ministry changed.  The conference
proved more for a time of deliverance for the team than for anyone else.

Two days after we ended this conference we started one in Reynosa, MX.  The colonia where we held this conference was just getting over being partially flooded from heavy rains that fell at the end of September.  It was so muddy there that Tom and Pastor Ron Brunson from Plainview, TX had to buy knee high boots in order to get to the Church without ruining their shoes.  The walk was only three and a half blocks.  The participation in Reynosa was great. Whenever you find people hungry for the Lord, you see miracles.  At the end of our last service, the co-pastor, Sis Juanita, testified of how God had touched her the night before and delivered her from a spirit of fear and death.  She had been ill for some time, not being able to sleep, and the enemy had been whispering to her that she was going to die.  She testified that after being ministered to she went home, with some help from her husband, and slept the whole night through and when she awoke in the morning she was bursting with energy.  She cleaned her house from top to bottom, something she hadn't had the strength to do for months.  Praise the Lord!

Once we finished in Reynosa, it was off to San Fernando, Tamps. Mex for a Marriage Seminar.  Sheila and I met with some precious Brothers and Sisters who were longing for teaching on a God centered marriage.  Sheila taught on the roles of women in a marriage relationship and Tom taught the next night on the man's role.  Much of what we shared from the Bible was opposite to
their Mexican culture.  How wonderful it was to see Brothers and Sisters who were willing to change their lives even when it didn't fit in with their way of life.  At the end of the last service we offered them the bread and the juice of communion so that they could seal and renew their covenant with the Lord and each other.  After we finished the service the Pastor of the Church had us set a date for a Deliverance Conference in February 2007. This is a new area that God is opening  to us and we look forward to ministering here, more in the future.

Next on our agenda was a visit from a dear friend from Illinois.  She came down for some much needed R & R.  Tom took the first few days to slip away to the dorm for some much needed time alone with the Lord.  Sheila and Heather spent their time taking Donna around the area, Mexico included. Donna helped Sheila pack some suitcases with items for one of the Bible
Schools in Reynosa.  We delivered them over to the Pastor on Donna's last day.

As Donna left so did Sheila.  Sheila's Uncle James was given just a few days to live, after an ongoing illness.  God was gracious to allow Sheila to go and be with her family. After spending the night with her cousins, Sheila returned to the border in order to leave for Mexico the next day.

We headed out for Tampacan SLP Mexico in order to exchange the Video CD's for the Bible School there.  This school, that is being over seen by Pastor Marcelo Hernandez, was heading into their second trimester.  All seamed to be going well with the students.  After a few days in Tampacan we took off for Matahuala, SLP Mex.  It took us six hours to drive over the mountains so that we could deliver the next set of Video CD's to the Bible School meeting there.  They, too, were ready to get on with their next lessons.  Pastor Martin asked us if we would leave the last set of CD's with him because he wanted to start another school there in his Church.  This makes two Bible Schools in Matahuala now.  Praise the Lord!!

Once we returned from Mexico, in November, we were scheduled to be ministering at Southwest Christian Fellowship in Burleson TX.  This Church had come down to the border last June in order to build Sunday School Classrooms on top of a Church in Reynosa.  Now they had gathered some gifts to share with the children in that Church this Christmas.  Eight of them
will be coming down on the fourth of January to help deliver them in Mexico. How they opened their hearts to, not only the children of Mexico, but to us as a family as well.  To God be the Glory.
Well as this year draws to a close we find Christmas fast approaching and it seems that everyone is in a hurry to buy something that will make someone happy.  What makes you happy?  What would you like for Christ-mas?  I don't know about you, but we would love to see our nephew, Russell Wier and our friend, Derek Baker, both Marines serving in Iraq, get home safely to their
families. We would love for our children and grandchildren, to see the good in people and not have to be suspicious.  We would love to see everyone we know and love gathered in one place to worship the Lord and praise Him for His excellent greatness.  We would love to be seated by the fireplace with you and sharing a cup of coffee and talking about our favorite memories.  We
would love ......

Please know how grateful we are for you and your support for Life Giving Outreach Ministries, in whatever capacity you do.  There are needs.  As all ministries, we have them.  We are not good at sharing them publicly.  This is not our stronger suit.  If you feel like you would like to help meet these needs, please pray.  Call us and we will share them with you personally.  Or e-mail us and we will communicate them to you.  Sharing from our hearts is a most personal thing and we would like to keep it that way. We love our Lord and long to serve Him with integrity.  Thank you for loving us and keeping us going wherever He leads.

We can be reached at 956.496.3359 or at

With much love we wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year,

Tom, Sheila and Heather Shidler

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December is HERE and decking the halls has begun,
but what is the point when there's no peace, my son.
With the war in Iraq and Afghanistan too
and now Christmas is coming, whatever will we do?
Our soldiers are fighting and peace is their goal,
but the enemy their fighting has been taking his toll.
To keep him from winning there's only one way,
and that is to seek His help every day.
You know Jesus is willing to do as we ask
but first we must be willing to take up His task.
If it's an end to the fighting that we all seek
Then strong we must stand, not fearful or weak.
Let's forget all the hustle and bustle this year
step back and forget all that advertising you hear.
You know it's the cry of the ads to buy it and save
And it doesn't matter to them that it's on credit you gave.
Oh! Please, won't you join us for real this year
And seek our Lord Jesus, so peace will come near.
For if we all fall on our faces and worship the Son
It will be for certain that we'll see His will done.
God Bless You and Merry Christmas,
                                                                                          The Shidler's


Have you ever thought of what it would be to be a hummingbird?  Flying around, drinking sweet nectar and humming to all of the other hummingbirds?  That's what itineration is like for us.  We have wonderful opportunities to visit with brothers and sisters in Christ, drink from the fellowship, bask in His sweet presence, and then we must leave to do it over again in a different location, different group of Christians.  Often we leave in tears, sad to be leaving some and yet rejoicing to be reuniting with others.  It is quite an emotional roller-coaster.  We are often torn with the joy of being with those whom we get to be with so infrequently and the pain of being away from home and our designated places of ministry.

So, in case you weren't  aware of it, we have been away for three months of itinerating.  We have been so very blessed to minister in such places as Cool, Texas: West Point, Kentucky:  Powdersville, South Carolina: Charleston, Illinois: Wymore, Nebraska: and Houston, Missouri. Tom built one whole set of kitchen cabinets for Sheila's lifetime friend, and finished two sets that been started on previous itineration trips.  He also built a front porch for some dear pastor friends and started building a baby bed for someone very special to us.  We performed a wedding ceremony in Harrisonville, Missouri and went by to check on and pray for dear friends in Hamilton, Ohio who have had some serious health issues this year.  We met new friends in Shelby Township, Michigan and some  in Joliet, Illinois.  We visited with many friends who have been faithful supporters of Life Giving Outreach Ministries over the years.  In some cases we had to cut our visit short and in others we had an extra day or two to hang around and just enjoy the fellowship together.  In all of it God has shown Himself faithful.  We see clearly how much He loves us all and how he enjoys it when brothers dwell together in harmony. Psalm 133

There are only so many Sundays and Wednesdays within a three month period, so we often just get to enjoy fellow-shipping with those we can get to on which-ever day of  the week.  Such is the case in Charleston, Illinois.  We only got to spend one day and night there with a small group of believers whom we love very much.  As we got there, Sheila was suffering from severe sciatica. We glorify our Lord in telling this to you.  That precious gathering of brothers and sisters in Christ anointed her with oil and two of the sisters, who lead worship in the church there, began to just worship the Lord and the rest prayed.  We rejoice to tell you that God healed Sheila that night and she has had NO MORE sciatica since.  Some weeks later, Sheila called to talk to one of those precious saints and she asked how she was doing.  Sheila reported that she was walking in total and complete healing.  This precious sister said that she needed to hear that, it had been a while since she had witnessed a real miracle.

Aren't we all like that some time?  We just get going in our everyday lives and forget that our God wants us to live in total and complete healing.  He longs for us to trust Him with our total lives.  After all, who better knows how to mend something that is fractured and broken, than the creator himself.   Who loves us more; our doctors, our lawyers, our bankers, OUR LORD??  May today be the day that you try anew and afresh to TRUST in the manufacturer, GOD!!

We arrived home Wednesday afternoon after a short visit with Sheila's aunt and family in Sweeney, Texas.  You can just imagine how much restraint went in to stopping and not just blowing right on by and going home.  That's how much we love you Aunt Ruth and Uncle Spike. Tom turned 55 on September 25th and we celebrated there in Sweeney with family.  One thing that we can say for sure, we belong to something so much greater than that local gathering of saints.  The CHURCH is much larger than any of us can imagine.  If watching the news discourages you, turn of the television and go outside and meet your neighbors.  You might find that many of them are just like you.  They might not attend the same church that you do.  They might not even belong to the same denomination.  They might be members of a 30,000 member congregation, or they might be families who meet together in home churches. Some might not believe in cutting their hair and yet, others might not believe in eating meat.  What does any of this have to do with who loves Jesus Christ?  We believe in the Father, God and Creator of Heaven and Earth.  We believe in the Son, Jesus, the Messiah, who came to be crucified and resurrected that we might have life abundant.  We believe in the Holy Spirit who leads us in paths of righteousness that the Father and Son would be glorified.  We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit given as the Father wills.  We believe in eternal life, bought and paid for by our Savior, Jesus.  Stop letting little things interfere with your fellowship with brothers and sisters of like faith.  Go out and meet them.  You will be blessed and so will they.

We say great big THANK YOUs to everyone who was so very gracious to invite us into your lives, your homes and your churches to share the love of our Lord with. We are most blessed because of you.  Without you, we are incomplete and without you we would not be able to complete the mission for which we have been sent.  Know that you are loved far beyond what your mind can comprehend.  Know that we love you.

Tom, Sheila and Heather

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 June 2006 Volume 2

I delight to do thy will, O my God  yea, thy law is within my heart.  I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, thou knowest.  I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.  Psalm 40:8-10
There is no greater joy than to be about The Father's business.  There is a peace and a confidence when we are led in Truth by His Holy Spirit.  The week of June 19th to 24th a group from Southwest Christian Fellowship in Burleson, Texas, came south to the "hot country" to cross the border at Reynosa to build two Sunday School rooms and two bathrooms on top of an existing church building.   The heat in northern Mexico in June can be excruciating, but our God was so merciful to give us some cloud cover and a breeze to keep us refreshed.

Bryan Waterbury is the youth pastor with SWCF who coordinated their mission trip.  He brought his team of Mike, Marion, John, Darlene, Shannon, Candace, Daniel, Michael, and Haley.  It was hammers, nails, tape measures, circular saws, extension cords, and saw horses amidst the throng of workers.  It looked somewhat like an ant pile, everyone working. These are not carpenters and builders, yet each one can say "job well done."


Each morning we would arrive on-site by 7:00 a.m. to get started.  No one complained about the 5:00 wake up call (at least not out-loud).  After a time of prayer we would set up all of the tools and get right on into cutting, measuring, hammering, etc.  Some of the Mexican brothers joined us in the "fun."  One young man in particular, Jesus, was there each morning when we arrived.  He awaited instructions as to what we needed him to do.


Wednesday evening after the work day was over, we stayed for their mid-week church service. Bryan, Candace, Haley, and Shannon had prepared themselves to worship in Spanish.  They were a "big hit."  The people there love any effort we make to speak their language.  Each one shared a part of their testimony.  Every one was encouraged to hear how God has moved in every life. Especially when those testifying are young people who have fully dedicated themselves to the Lord.  Bryan had the privilege of sharing from God's Word.  He chose the book of Romans chapter 10 verses 1-6.  As he finished his message, Tom stepped up and asked for those who would desire to be prayed for by this group to come forward to the altar. Only five people remained in their seats.  The altar was full and this team was not timid about laying hands on them and praying.  It is difficult to say who got the greater blessing.


Thursday was the day to finish hanging siding and install ceiling joists and rafters. As each job was completed, workers were released for other tasks.  Candace set up a class teaching English to some children.  Shannon helped them make the wordless testimony bracelets.  Michael played with Ricardo.  Heather and Haley hung out and brought water when necessary (often).

Thursday also brought us the most humbling example of servanthood we have ever seen.  Brother Jesus, who had been helping us with construction every day, found himself with a free minute so he slipped out into the street and busied himself with washing our van and trailer.  What a servant!!  We all fell in love with Jesus.


Friday was down day.  We went over to Nuevo Progreso for some fun shopping in Mexico. Then we went to South Padre Island for some fun in the surf.  We had worked hard and some fun sounded like a great idea.

Saturday arrived all too quickly, and it was time to release this team to return to their Pastor Bob Massey and the SWCF congregation.  We bless each one of you.  You are such a blessing to us and we loved having you.  Come back anytime.

As we write this, we are preparing to make our yearly itineration.  We pull out on July 1st.  Our first stop is Itasca, Texas, and from there we will travel for three months.  Would you please pray for us as we travel?  Please pray for our family, both here in the States and in Mexico as well.  Perhaps we'll be seeing you this year as we travel.

Thank you for your love and prayers.

Tom, Sheila and Heather Shidler

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June 2006

ISOM Graduation Tampacan

All we can say is, "You just should have been there."  It was such great fun!! The six students were dressed in their red caps and gowns. Sister Julie Berry led them into the auditorium and directed them to their seats. Every eye in the place was on them. Some who had started the course, yet dropped out, were there to see what could have been theirs. Pastor Marcelo, his wife, Sister Yolanda, Pastor Vicente, Brother Ismael, Brother Julian Simon, and Sister Leticia were radiant with pride as they took their place of honor on the platform.

Dr. Randall Pace of Shepherdsville, Kentucky, gave the keynote address and commended them for their dedication and determination to complete the prescribed course of study and now to be receiving their Associates Degree in Biblical Studies from Vision International in California. He charged them to commit to faithful men and women that which they have learned and continue on in serving our Lord with their whole lives.

Brother Russ Berry commissioned them to go forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and to not let anything deter them from doing the will of the Father. Sister Peggy Pace, along with her husband, Randy, Russ and Julie Berry and Tom and Sheila all gathered around these precious saints and, with the laying on of hands, blessed them to go forth into every nation preaching the gospel, making disciples, and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

But, if you think that was all we did, well let me tell you the rest of the story. From the moment we arrived in Tampacan, there was much preparation to be done. There were only five days to get cakes ordered, a meal arranged, chairs gathered, etc.  We arrived on Monday, late in the afternoon, so we had to get everything set up in our apartment in Tampacan and then make the 25 miles of pot holes and topes (speed bumps across the middle of the road that are literally everywhere) back to Tamazunchale where we would be staying during the week.

Tuesday is market day in Tampacan, so we got back early in the morning so we could be out in the market with balloons, tracts, gospel bracelets, and lots of fun. What a blast!! I think we must have talked to every person who was there. We passed out hundreds of balloons and tracts, spoke to many about the Lord Jesus and of His wonderful ways. We told them of the villages that we would be in each night and invited them to come to a service. Tuesday night we went out to a small village named Chiconamel. This village has been closed and extremely hostile to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has touched the heart of one family there. This family opened their home to us for a service that night. They are all new believers and it was so fun to get to be with them and hear of their enthusiasm for the things of the Lord. Peggy and Sheila did a children’s service outside while the adults gathered for a service in the kitchen/living room area of this family’s bamboo hut.

Wednesday we spent the day getting final preparations for Saturday’s graduation event. Several of the townspeople came by the apartment and were invited to the service that evening that would be held in the church in Tampacan with Pastor Marcelo. Everyone said that they would be there, AND THEY WERE! They were there for the big surprise birthday party that they had been planning for Sheila. Everyone was in on it, even our visitors from Kentucky knew. Sheila didn’t have a clue. The church was packed to capacity. There was a praise band on the platform with huge speakers and flowers everywhere. Eleven patlaches (large tamale dishes that contained one whole chicken each) were brought in and one large tres leches (three milk) cake. What a blast!! Sister Yolanda preached the sermon from Psalms 78.

She invited Sheila to come to the front and allow everyone an opportunity to express their love for her. And they did. The line never seemed to end and they came with hugs and kisses, each one with a "Te amo" (I love you). As the cake came out, as is the Mexican custom, Sheila was encouraged to take a bite, then had her face shoved in. Ha ha ha ha! Like the fishes and loaves, the Lord multiplied that cake so that everyone got a piece.
Friday night we started another session of the ISOM Bible School in Xochicuatla. As Tom, Randy, and Russ waited in the church for new students to arrive, Peggy, Julie, and Sheila went down to the corner to talk to the children and young people about the Lord. Peggy had all kinds of ministry tools in her pockets and those gathered around were having a wonderful time listening as she told stories of Jesus with pipe-cleaners and crepe paper. As darkness drew over us, it began to rain. So up the hill we went to be a part of the beginning to the newest school there. Due to the rain some didn’t make it, but for those who were there, we got the new school off to a glorious start.

Saturday was the big day. We got to Tampacan early so we could be sure that everything was in order. There was a big gathering already in the auditorium and Pastor Marcelo told us that he had to make an agreement with another group that would be using the auditorium that they would be finished by 3:00 so we could get things set up and ready to start by 4:00. Well they finished their meeting at 4:30 and we quickly moved in to clean and set up. Then we freshened ourselves up, put on red caps and gowns and let the celebration begin.

Probably half of the predicted 300 were in attendance for the ceremony, but they were there in time to have sacahuil (another traditional dish) and cake and to praise God and celebrate together. We cannot begin to tell you how much your efforts of praying for this graduation and the graduates, your financial giving to help with the costs, your encouragement and inquiries of how it all went, mean to us. So maybe you were there. You were there by all that you do to keep Life Giving Outreach coming and going that His Glory may be shown in the earth. Thank you!

Tom, Sheila and Heather Shidler

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There’s lots going on here and just keeping up with it all is trying. Therefore, we plead your forgiveness that we’ve not written for so long. We have started several letters to you, to get called away and not get back to it. January to March, I (Sheila) had the flu, continued to press on, then found myself on powerful antibiotics to get well. God knows I don’t want to do that again. It is not wisdom to try to keep going and not rest and let the body heal. I rejoice to say that I am so very much better now


We are in preparations for a large graduation event in Tampacan on the 3rd of June. Six of the pastors, wives and members have completed two years of study in the International School of Ministry program. Red caps and gowns, tassels of red and white--"the whole enchilada," as we say--is being prepared.  We are going to make this graduation as memorable as we can for these students.  They are expecting 300 family, friends and church members to attend the graduation service.  The cost of the graduation will be $500.00 dollars.  This will include a meal for all attending as well as cake with punch.  In addition, there will be a praise band coming from another area of Mexico.  Please pray and ask if the Lord would have you be a part of putting together the graduation celebration.  If you would desire to do so, please send your offerings to LGOM, P. O. BOX 138, Weslaco, Texas  78599, and mark them for the graduation.  Pastor Randy Pace, along with three others from the Family Worship Center Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, are going to go with us to participate in the graduation program.  It is our prayer that other brothers will see how seriously we are taking all of this and will have a desire to enroll themselves 

We have already started three other schools:  two in Reynosa, one in Matehuala. On June 2nd, we will start one in Xochiquatla, an Indian village about 15 km from Tampacan. We will most likely start another in Tampacan for those who now see the benefit of this type of study. We see such a difference in those who are taking this course.


The first week of March, we attended a pastor/missionary conference in Houston, Texas. We needed to just sit and be ministered to. God’s Holy Spirit met us in such a sweet and wonderful way. Our "batteries got charged."

The second week of March, we built a house in Reynosa for a precious elderly couple. Chris and Deanna Clark headed up the team that went over from our home church in Weslaco, Central Christian Fellowship. Monday, we laid all the blocks for the walls. Tuesday, we set forms and poured the concrete columns. Wednesday, we poured the roof (again concrete). Thursday, we prayed and dedicated the house, presented housewarming gifts and cleaned up. Mission complete!! If your ever interested in building one, let us know!!

The third week of March, Dr. John and Susan Pearson of Rolla, Missouri, came to visit. We picked them up at the airport, dropped their luggage at our house, and were off to Reynosa to start another ISOM school there with Pastor Jose Luis Munoz. We took some time to visit with the Pearsons while they were here, as well as minister. John and Tom worked to replace our kitchen countertops and replace rotted wood under our sink. We also got a new sink!! Thank you and God bless you John and Susan.

April has been no less busy. We just returned from a very "toasty" Tampacan where we have been out nightly preaching and sharing in churches, and by day visiting in homes and villages.

God is up to something great in Mexico. We see new believers coming to Christ, hungry for Truth. We are about our Father’s business!! Going, preaching, baptizing and making disciples!!

We know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are sent. God has sent us. He touches you to keep us "sent." We need you. We realize how the price of gas has affected each and everyone of us. Yet, you continue to be generous. God’s laws and principles are still the same, "give and it will be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." Tampacan is 450 miles from the Texas border. Matehuala is around 400. Reynosa is 35 miles. Your gifts help us to get from one place to another. They help us to provide teaching materials, bibles, bicycles, and the list goes on and on. From the very depth of our hearts we say "Thank you and may our Lord and Savior, Jesus, bless you and keep you. May you hear His voice and know His leading in all of your ways."

We love you. God bless you.

Tom and Sheila Shidler

Life Giving Outreach Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 138
810 S. Illinois Ave.
Weslaco, TX 78599-0138
956.968.5784 home and office
956.496.3359 cell phone

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January, February....MARCH!!!?

A Word in Due Season

It seems that we just woke up this morning and it was New Year’s Day 2006 and now it’s marching on toward March. Have you heard the Word of the Lord today? What did He say to you? Already this new year we have heard so many prophecies about Armageddon and tribulations. Is this anything new? Didn’t our God and Creator set all of this into motion from the beginning of all time? He told us that we should not be caught unaware nor should we be afraid. We live in the most exciting time of all history, today. We need to know what to do with today. Yesterday is gone and nothing you do will bring it back around again. Tomorrow, well there is no promise of that one, so we have today. Use it, fill it up with goodness, righteousness, and His glory.

During the Christmas season, the Lord spoke a word and said that "never in the history of all mankind has doubt and unbelief been as wide spread as now." That should have us, as Christians, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, trembling. How did doubt and unbelief grow to such proportions? You and I. We are the responsible ones. We have preached a good story, but have we loved the unlovely? We wear our "Christian t-shirts," but we are so easily angered when others offend us. Have we written Matthew 5, 6 and 7 on our hearts? I don’t know about you, but occasionally we must quit looking at the other guy and look at ourselves. US!! NOW is the season for self examination.

What’s Up With the "Body Builders" Part of LGOM

Our Christmas was filled with hosting Pastor Samuel and Anna Karunanithi from Bridge City, Texas, as they came to minister in the border towns of Mexico and take gifts to the people there. They flew in on the 19th and stayed here with us until the 24th. We ministered in several villages just over the border, as well as in San Fernando, a town about 90 miles into the interior. The hand of our Lord was most obvious to us each evening as we returned back to Weslaco. Anna is still a citizen of India.  Taking her back and forth across the border was time consuming, but it was interesting to see our Border Patrol at work. Each night she would be questioned about her reasons for visiting in Mexico. After about thirty minutes or so, she would be released to return to Texas with us. You talk about praying!!!! We were praying. Thank you, Lord, for all of your tender mercies.

January 6 found us heading south to Tampacan. The pastors there are in their last trimester of the two-year course of the International School of Ministry (ISOM). We are planning a wonderful graduation for the first week of June. The school in Nexcuayo was closed, and we are planning to start that one over. The three brothers who came down the mountain two hours away, from Chiltzapolyo, are truly desirous of having this study. So, as soon as a new location is found, we will resume the classes

We were in Matehuala, Nuevo Leon, January 23-30 to help Pastor Martin get classes started in the church there. Fellow missionary and great friend, Larry Crouch, is a long time missionary there and he asked if we would consider coming there to bring these teachings. Fifteen of the members from the church there are now enrolled and very excited to have these quality teachings available to them. Pastor Eloy from Dr. Arroyo, 30 miles from Matehuala, has now asked if we would bring these to the three churches that he pastors in the outlying villages there. Praise God!! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to do this.


While we were in Matehuala, Harold and Elizabeth Armstrong, from Hereford, Texas, were holding down the fort here in Weslaco. They had arrived the week prior, planning to consult with a dentist in Nuevo Progresso, Tamaulipas, Mexico. They had no idea when they got here that their consultation would require them to stay for eleven days. We told them to just be at home and we would be back as soon as we could. They were gracious to take care of our dog, Cookie, while we were gone. It was a blessing for us, for the place where we were staying at in Matehuala had no real place for us to put her.

This past week, a pastor from Reynosa, just across the Mexico border from McAllen, Texas, came to visit us. He said that he had heard of us and wanted to know if we would come to his church. He said that he knows of the International School of Ministry and the people in his church long to take the classes. Hallelujah!! It was like a Macedonia call to us. The Lord knows that we will go wherever. One week later we received an invitation to present the ISOM program at another church in Reynosa as well. We will begin a school in both of these churches the last week of March.

Our Gratitude

If we haven’t taken the time to tell you how grateful we are for your being involved in our lives and ministry, then we must plead for your forgiveness. Truly we try to respond to everyone personally, but there are times that we just run out of day. We do realize the sacrifices that you make to help all aspects of the ministry of Life Giving Outreach a reality. We are held accountable for the works that we do and the manner in which we handle the funds which you share with us. But above all of that, we want you to know that YOU matter to us. We love the personal relationship that we have with YOU. Thank you for all of your notes and letters of encouragement. Thank you for caring about the people to whom we minister. Thank you for loving our Lord. "For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison and ye came unto me. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25: 35-36 and 40b.

May all that we do unto Him be accounted unto you for your sharing the burden of this ministry.

Should you ever desire to come and see for yourself the workings of this ministry, please feel free to call us or e-mail us. Our address and phone numbers are posted below for you. If we can be of any service to you, it would be our joy, hono, and privilege to love you with the love of our Master and reach out to you with His heart.

We love you. God bless you.

Tom and Sheila Shidler

Life Giving Outreach Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 138
810 S. Illinois Ave.
Weslaco, TX 78599-0138
956.968.5784 home and office
956.496.3359 cell phone

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A Call for Help

Luke 11:5-8 And He said to them, "Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him'; and he will answer from within and say, 'Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you'? I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs. NKJV

Sheila and I received a phone call from Pastor Sam Karunanithi who has a Church in Bridge City, Texas. I was taken back by the sound of despair in his voice. He sounded like a man who had been worn down by a heavy load. For those of you who don't know where Bridge City, Texas, is, it is located in the southeast corner of Texas, almost on the Louisiana-Texas border near the Gulf of Mexico. Bro. Sam was calling to ask us if we knew anyone who was looking for work. He then began to share with me why he needed help.

When the Hurricane Katrina came on shore last August, the fellowship hall of his church suffered heavy water damage from the strong rains. Once the storm was over, they began the repairs on the building. The roof was replaced and all of the ruined material inside was removed. Then, as they say, the other shoe dropped. Hurricane Rita passed directly over them. The fellowship hall withstood the wind and rain, but the sanctuary did not. Their worship building was moved 5 feet off the piers, and the front and rear walls were destroyed. This left them with nowhere to meet except in homes because they weren't able to get the fellowship hall in order before Rita came in.

In addition to the damage to the main building, there was a 14 ft. by 60 ft. storage trailer out back that was destroyed by a tree blown down in the storm. Rita left many limbs and trees down on the church property as well as at their home. Bro. Sam said that he has tried to hire help, but the labor rate has gone through he roof. He was given a price of $1800 to remove the downed trees and limbs which is $1000 higher than normal.

This brother came knocking on my door, as the scripture said, and I have risen to help. I am asking if any of you might rise also and lend a hand. It is in my heart to put together a team that could go there and help. If you feel the Lord pulling at your heart and you too feel the desire to help our brother Sam, email me and we can set a date to go and set our brother free form the load he is carrying. 1 Cor. 12:26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. (NKJV)  Our brother is suffering. With your help we can turn his suffering into rejoicing.

You can reach me at


Click on the thumbnail to see the full photo.


A Short Update

The last week of October we helped host a Spiritual Warfare Conference at the Rio Grande Valley Prayer Center in Mission, Texas. This conference was in two phases. The first phase in Mission was a great success.  The team consisted of Nathan and Janie Hopson from Pampa, Texas; Marvin and Kathy Sistrunk from Plainview, Texas; and Sheila and me.  There were three two-hour sessions every day for the three-day conference as well as private sessions in which we ministered deliverance to those seeking freedom from oppression. It is wonderful to watch those who are carrying a heavy load set free.

The Conference ended at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night, and at 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning we packed up and headed back to Weslaco to prepare for the next phase of our conference. 

Click on the thumbnail to see the full photo


Our team for the second part was Bro. Ron Brunson from Plainview, Texas, and Sheila and me.  We picked Ron up at the airport at 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening, then for the next three days we held two teaching sessions a night at the Iglesia Metodista El Camino in Reynosa with Pastor David Medrano. 

What a wonder it is to watch Gods people get free as they begin to understand the authority that we as believers have been given by our Lord.  Our whole purpose for doing these sessions is to equip the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry.  Sheila and I are planning to return to the church in Reynosa to minister in individual session with Pastor David and some of his leadership. In this way, we can help equip them to minister deliverance to others.

Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it. We need YOU !
Tom & Sheila Shidler

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October, 2005 Update

Eph 4:11-13
To prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

This is our calling.  This is the heart that the Lord gave us many years ago  It is to this end we serve.  Our desire is to see those who are called "Christians" serving the Master with all their heart, mind, and soul and then loving their neighbor enough to serve them, as Christ's representative.  Matt. 22:37-38

Training stands at the forefront of our efforts these days.  We started the fourth trimester of the ISOM Bible College in Tampacan at the end of September.  It's exciting to watch the students.  They study on Saturday and then begin to minister what they have studied on Sunday.  We are seeing others coming to Christ and joining in the fellowships in and around Tampacan.  For years it was people from the outlying villages that attended church, but now the new members are from Tampacan proper.  This has been a hard area to reach.


We have kicked off a second ISOM school in Nexcuayo where we registered 10 students.  Three of these walked for 1-1/2 hours down the mountain for the classes.  We are finding that there is a great hunger in the remote villages for training.  Our plan is to continue setting up additional schools in other areas.  In January 2006, we will be starting still another ISOM school in Matehuala which about two hours south of Monterrey.



Equipping the saints is our top priority.  It has been said that if you give a man a fish he can feed his family for a day, but if you give him  a fishing pole he can feed his family everyday.  We believe that you have to take it even one step further, and that is to train those who have the fishing poles to train others how to fish for themselves.  We have begun this process with Pastor Marcelo in Tampacan.  In Tampacan, we are running the ISOM school with him, but he is running the school in Nexcuayo.  We are helping him to catch the vision of "equipping the saints."   2 Tim 2:2  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.

On our last trip to Tampacan we were able to take Sister Yolanda a sewing machine.  She will be able to use this machine to make clothes for her family as well as do mending for others.  This will help them financially.  It is wonderful to watch God prosper these servants as they  grow in Him.


On one afternoon while we were in Tampacan, we were invited to minister at a mission church located in Chiconamel.  This is an out lying village that had not been favorable to the Gospel.  A few  years ago we visited that village to help an injured boy get back and forth to the clinic in Tampacan. We shared with the family the love of Christ and waited for the seeds to grow.

It blessed us to find a Pastor who had a heart to start a mission there. During our visit, we met a relative of the family that we had helped.  He is a member of the mission vhurch and told us that the next time we visit he will take us to see that family.  God's Word will never return void.  One sows, one waters, and another reaps.  To God be the Glory.


Your generosity in the Lord is what keeps us going.  We are grateful to all of you whom the Lord has used financially.  1 Sam 30:24 ...the share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle.  All will share alike."  You who support us and keep us going will have a share in the rewards when we stand before our Lord.  With so many needs from hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes, we all feel the financial pinch.  Yet as we all remain faithful with the resources that our Father has entrusted to us, and we will fulfill the call.  Thank you and God bless you!!!

Eph 4:11-13  Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

Tom & Sheila Shidler

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August, 2005 Update

We would like to begin this update with a big thank you to all of you who are partnering with us in the ministry.  There are many of you who give of your time in prayer and service to us and the people of Mexico, and for that we are very grateful.  In addition, there are those of you who give financially so that we are free to do the work of the ministry that He has called us to.  Being a Christian is a relational thing.  It takes all of us working together to move the ministry forward. Thank you for all you do in the name of Jesus.

While I was filling up our van with gas this afternoon, I met a man who shared something very interesting with me.  He said that he was reading in John 10:10 the other morning when the Lord spoke to him.  This scripture deals with the true Shepherd and His sheep and the hireling and his sheep.  This Brother told me that he was a small business man,  he had the right to do business in the Rio Grande Valley, and that no one had the right to tell him that he couldn't speak to people about his business.

Then he went on to say that it is the same way for us who are Christians. We, too, have the right to speak up and share our "business," which is Christ, with those we live around.  He was sharing how we have to be bold and assert ourselves because we are of the Shepherd and not the hireling.  We have the right to speak out and say we are His and that others can join us.

It was such an encouragement to speak with this brother.  The Lord has placed a calling on our lives to build up the Body of Christ in this world so that they--you--can take your place in the ministry of our Lord.  It's just like this brother said, "We have earned the right to speak up for Him when we have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives."  But, just accepting Jesus isn't enough.  We still need to be equipped for the work ahead.  When Jesus left His disciples and ascended up to Heaven, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until He sent them His power (the Holy Spirit) from on high (Luke 24: 49).  This is the power that will lead us into and teach all truth.  This is where our hearts are to see our brothers and sisters filled with the Spirit of God and equipped for and released into the ministry.

It is to this end that we have been working to set up various International School of Ministry (ISOM) classes.  We have one location, Tampacan, that has a group which is going to complete the third trimester of studies this month.  We are planning a graduation for these students in March 2006. There has already been a major change in those attending these classes. These students who, for the most part are pastors, have been putting into practice what they have been studying, and they have reported that revival has broken out in their churches.  These brothers and sisters have been preaching what the Holy Spirit has taught them through these lessons, and they have seen God moving when they are faithful to put into practice what they have learned.  The Scripture says, "Freely you have received; freely give."

Several other areas of Mexico are showing interest in hosting these same classes.  Please pray for the following areas:  Reynosa and Matehuala, Mexico.  In Reynosa, Pastor David and Pastora Anita have both expressed interest in the classes. We also have the desire to share it with the brothers in and around Matehuala, about two hours south of Monterrey.

Last month when we were in Tampacan, we went out to visit Pastora Carmen from the village of Nuxquayo.  She was in need of encouragement because things have been difficult for her and her family over the past few months.  We spent the afternoon with her and then came back to minister for her in the Sunday evening service.  While we were there, we shared information about the ISOM school with her.  She has opened the door for us to begin a school in her church this fall.

It has been a whirlwind around here since our last update.  In early July, we hosted a very special group from Life Spring Church of God in Piedmont, South Carolina.  They brought a group of 20 to work on projects at the Methodist church in the colonia Quience de Enero with Pastor David.  This group was special to us because it was lead by Pastor Delton Hand and Youth Pastors Shane and Alicia Taylor, our son-in-law and our daughter.  This was a  return trip for them.  Last year, they stayed in the U.S. and went back and forth every day to Mexico.  This year we graduated them to spend two nights in the colonia experiencing how the people in the community live.  Several improvement projects were worked on ranging from painting a house to plumbing and repair on electrical wiring to hanging sheet rock.  Everyone had plenty of time to sweat for Jesus while serving our brothers and sisters in Mexico.  The highlight of the trip was the two afternoons that the team went out into the community on Prayer Walks to share with those living around the church the love of Christ.  It was on these Prayer Walks that we were able to share not only food with those in need and stuffed animals for the children, but we were able topPray with families about their heart felt needs.  When we finished our visit in each home we left them with an invitation to come to the church each evening for special services.  What a joy it is to share Christ the life giver with those who need Him.

Life Spring Church Mission Team

Prayer Walks with the Iglesia Metodista El Camino

Shane preaching in Iglesia El Camino with Tom translating

Sheila leading a youth program at Iglesia El Camino

The weekend of the 23rd and 24th found us ministering in a deliverance conference at the "Total Tu Casa Church" in McAllen, Texas, with pastors Edwin and Letty Orriols and their assistants Raul and Jackie Orriols.  We taught three classes on Saturday and one on Sunday, followed each day with individual deliverance sessions for those who were in need.  The teachings were so well received that we ended up ministering to individuals from 4:00 p.m. on Saturday evening until after 9 p.m..  Then on Sunday, we had individual  sessions from 3 p.m. through 11 p.m., with two that were held over to Monday morning.  It never ceases to amaze us to see the Lord setting His people free from demonic oppression so they can move deeper in their relationships with Him.

Now we are off to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and points east (Neosho and Lebanon, Missouri) to deliver a trailer load of furniture for some missionary friends and reload with supplies for Mexico.  We left Saturday the 6th of August and will return Saturday the 13th.  We will be picking up powdered milk from Pastors J and Jean Cox in Lebanon, and from the supply warehouse of Mission Possible (John and Linda Neumann in Neosho), we will be gathering all we can from our list of things needed for Mexico.  We have requests for things like dressers, chairs, dishes, cooking utensils, food pantry items, beds, and of course clothes.  The need is great but the same Lord who cares for our needs cares also for the people of Mexico.

Our Prayer Needs:
That we would be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do.

That the people of Mexico would have open hearts to receive the love of Christ.

That sponsors would step forward to help us get the ISOM schools up and running ($280.00 per location)

Other needs:
Would you pray and ask the Lord if He would have you begin to send monthly financial support to LGOM.  We are a by-faith ministry, and we  rely on the generosity and faithfulness of God's people for financial support.  With the prices of everything going up (especially gasoline), we are finding that we are in need of an increase in our support base to keep things going.  He is our source, but it is you that He chooses to use.

Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

     Tom and Sheila Shidler

PS: Here is a report from Deanna and Chris Clark about the damage caused by Hurricane Emily in northeastern Mexico.

After returning to Reynosa following Hurricane Emily, we were pleasantly surprised to find little damage here in the city.  There were some isolated areas of flooding, but as a whole, things were good in Reynosa. The following day, we headed south to inspect the student house project in San Fernando. We had heard in the news reports that this was "Ground Zero" for Emily, and we were very concerned about the church there and the student house.

About 30 miles south of Reynosa, we began to see the damage. First it was the road signs and bill boards.

 Beginning about 10 miles further south, we drove past miles and miles of downed power poles.


As we neared the center of Emily's path, we found that most of the grain storage facilities were totally destroyed.

Along the highway was an area of small wooden homes. Where previously about 30 had been erected, now only a couple were standing, and they were heavily damaged.


Entering San Fernando, we were nervous about what we would find at the church, Iglesia Metodista Principe de Paz. We were very relieved to find that both the church and student house were still intact.

The main problem was the trees that had been uprooted on the property. Pastor Ismael and two men from the church were using machetes and an ax to clean up the debris.

In the aftermath of Emily, there are many many homes that have been destroyed or heavily damaged. This entire area needs help with the purchase of building materials to repair and replace. If you would like to help, please send your donations to marked "Hurricane Emily" to

Life Giving Outreach Ministries Build Mexico
809A Savannah Ave #166
McAllen, TX 78503

Que Dios te bendiga,

Deanna and Chris Clark

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June, 2005

Where to begin?  Oh, where to begin? 

That has been the question for the last week.  It has been several months since we have had the opportunity to sit down and put together an update to send out, and needless to say much has happened since the last one.


On March 28, we left the border for our annual itineration trip north. Our first stop was to build a set of kitchen cabinets for our niece and nephew, Kristen and John Sullivan.  Many years ago, when Sheila and I lived in Whitt, Texas, we were in need of a new septic system, and Sheila's Uncle James was the one who came to the rescue.  He brought out his backhoe and installed the system for just the price of materials. Well, it was our turn to repay Uncle James and put together the much needed kitchen for John and Kristen.

Then it was off to Charleston, Illinois, and New Life Tabernacle to assist Pastors Carla and Don Spicer with a deliverance conference (April 8-10).  We worked with other deliverance team members Marvin and Kathy Sistrunk (directors of Children's Bread Ministry) and Nathan and Janey Hopson (Nathan Hopson Ministry and LGOM board member).  Our time there was fruitful in many ways.

After the conference, we were off to Shepherdsville, Kentucky.  Once again, we were able to build a new set of kitchen cabinets, this time for Pastor Randy and Peggy Pace.  What a pleasure it was to be able to give of ourselves to others. Our time in Kentucky was spent working during the day time and visiting churches during the evenings.  The first few days there we were able to attend community wide revival services (eight churches participated).  What joy it was to see the blending of traditions in worship.  Through these services we were introduced to several congregations where we had the opportunity to share the vision of LGOM
Lifespring Church of God, Piedmont, South Carolina, was next on our list of stops. This is where Alicia and Shane Taylor (our daughter and son-law) serve as youth pastors. It was our pleasure to be able to not only visit with our kids but help set plans in order for their upcoming mission trip to Mexico (July 10- 16). This wonderful church family has just opened their arms and welcomed us in as family.  So much so that while we were there we were invited to tag along as members of their Covenant Keepers (married couples) group outing. They hold a yearly Putt-Putt tournament with a trophy on the line.  Well as you can see by the picture, it was the visitors who won the trophy.  (Before leaving town we had to promise to bring it back next year for a rematch.) You'll hear more about this group after their mission trip next month.

Next we went north to see where our son Adam is stationed (Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, Virginia). It was nice to see where and how he lives. After our short visit with Adam, we stopped in Haymarket, Virginia, near Washington, DC, to visit the Akers family, Geoff, Karey, Amanda, Joel, and Melissa. We sure enjoyed spending time with them and getting to know their children whom we knew only by photos. Now we can put personalities with the pictures.

Brunswick, Ohio, was the next stop to visit Ruth and Mike Geml (Jackie, Angie and Stephen), Tom's sister and brother in-law. Mike is the associate pastor at a Lutheran church there. Then it was off to Shelby Township, Michigan, to visit Mom. As things worked out we were there on Mother's Day again this year (isn't God good?!). It was wonderful to spend it with Mom.

Chicago was our next destination with an overnight visit with Joyce and Kevin Bentch.  While we were there, we attended church with them at the Naperville Church of Christ.  Last spring one of the children's Sunday school classes gathered up a love offering for Mexico and sent it to us. It just warms our hearts to see how God brings His body into unity for the task at hand.

Joe and Yvonne Stice were the next to receive the LGOM invasion (Hannibal, Missouri).  While there, Joe and Tom spent several days extending the back porch and drying it in. What a pleasure to set our hands to work for others. During our stay, Joe asked Sheila to sing a special with him at church Sunday morning. God has made it possible for us to have church homes everywhere we go.

Bible Trivia was our next stop. That is to say, Ed (Champ) and Cheryl Maher in Bethalto, Illinois. We have had an on going Bible Trivia rivalry, the men against the women, for many years now.  Well, this was the year that the men were victorious.  After two nights we were on the move again.

This time we visited in Cuba, Missouri, and Lighthouse Pentecostal Temple pastored by Gary Reeves and his wife, Loraine.  We had two wonderful services there on Sunday.  During that same time period, we were able to visit with Tom and Cindy Morris (daughters Ryan and Erin) of Rolla, Missouri, who will be joining with LGOM in January of 2006 as short-term missionaries to help us impart the vision of training others for the work of ministry.

While in the Rolla area, we stayed with Dr. John and Susan Pearson who always open their home for us to have a place of refuge during our travels. It was at their home that Tom had to do what turned out to be minor repair to the motor home. When we left the Maher's we developed a problem with shift linkage for the transmission. As it turned out, grease was all that was needed to set the linkage free, PTL.

Our last stop in Missouri was in Neosho to visit Mission Possible Ministries. We stayed with John and Linda Neumann and while there we were able to pick up some much needed items to give away in Mexico. This ministry has a warehouse/food bank where people in need can find clothing, food, and household items.

The last stop on our whirlwind tour was in Devine, Texas, to visit Pastor Myron and Sharon Ricketts. Myron is the pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Devine. During our stay in Devine, we saw the hand of God moving mightily. The minister's alliance in Devine had begun a program called "Mission Devine" in which the churches from the community were banding together to minister to their community through things like backyard Bible studies, light home repairs, and yard clean-ups, not as one denomination or another, but as the body of Christ.  It was FUMC Devine's pleasure to feed all the workers lunch everyday during the week.  Now that is what I call being the "body," serving one another in Christ's Love.

Once we returned to the border, we had just a week to get the office caught up before it was time to help in the construction of a house in Reynosa with Deanna and Chris.  Rachel Spicer and Blake Spindler from Illinois came down for the task as well as Brett Marshall from Brownsville, Texas. So our home was full again.  This time our granddaughter, Heather, took part in the house construction.  Heather really jumped in and worked; it was something to see her (she's 12 going on 13) laying block!

Well this kind of brings you up to date on what has been happening with us.  We leave in a few days for Tampacan where we are going to start up the third trimester of the ISOM Bible College.  During our itineration, we were able to raise the rest of the money needed to obtain the rights to set up ISOM schools all over the country of Mexico.  We already have several areas where pastors are asking for us to help them set up classes.  In our next report we will share more about these schools.

Thank you for your prayers and continued offerings during this necessary time to visit with churches and individuals sharing the vision of LGOM and missions in general.  You are so faithful to help with this endeavor to share the love of Christ wherever we go. . . Mexico, Ireland, USA.  . . Truly

Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

       Tom and Sheila Shidler

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March, 2005 Ireland and ISOM Update

Tom, Sheila and Heather Shidler

Okay! This is my third attempt to get a concise and accurate update to you after our visit to Ireland.  Just so that you know, Ireland is beautiful.  It doesn't really matter what time of year you go; it's just beautiful.  God has many blessings in store for that country if she would "humble herself and pray and turn from her wicked ways."  We can see hints of God's Holy Spirit blowing over the land.  Yet, there is so much to be done.  Ireland is a country, much like our own, founded on God's own Word. They have a rich history of Christianity.  So, we're asking you to pray for Ireland and Europe as a whole.

We ministered in a "Church Weekend Away" for the Family Worship Center of  Port Laois.  What a diverse group of international brothers and sisters in Christ.  We met with them several times during our visit:  in home groups, during prayer walks around the city, at intercessory prayer meetings, and during worship together.  In the city of Port Laois, population 80,000, we understand that there are possibly 400 believers.  Please pray for James and Rachel Krechnyak and the Family Worship Center as they reach out to this city with the Word of God.

Tom and Sheila teaching at the "Weekend Away"

Family Worship Centre Home Group

James' health is still a bit delicate.  He did well while we were there, but he is in need of a healing from the Lord.  Rachel is as beautiful as ever. Caleb is growing quickly and little Benjamin stole our hearts.

ISOM (International School of Ministry)

The International School of Ministry classes continue in Tampacan.  Pastor Marcelo and Leticia Carrillo are conducting the classes.  For many of these pastors, these classes are a great challenge.  One has had three years of education and the rest maybe two.  I'm talking about any education.  The classes require reading and studying, something that they are not quite accustomed to doing, yet they are diligent and are doing great.  We rejoice to see this work of God in their lives.  They are learning so much depth in God's Word.

Tuesday, the 29th of March, will find us hitting the road to itinerate. This is such a necessary part of this type of ministry.  Not only do we get a chance to present the needs of this ministry but we get to "share the stuff" with all of you who help to keep us going out here.  It is during this two months of visiting with you that God uses you to minister to our spiritual needs.  You may never know how dry and thirsty we are when we get to you, but God does, and so many times you have a very timely word for us. He also allows us to minister to you and we get to rejoice together and praise our Lord and King.

With gratitude
You are such a blessing to this ministry!!!  God has touched you to help keep us going.  We are amazed at the places He has taken us, and we are willing yet to go wherever He wills.   It is with great joy and humility that we share the love of our Lord.  Thank you for being such a vital part of LGOM.  We are the bones that go, but it takes the muscle, that's you, to push and pull those bones to make them go.  So, we press on toward the high calling and the prize that awaits us.  We encourage you to press in and seek the Lord.  Yes, we live in difficult days, and there will be trials of our faith, yet we will serve the Lord with gladness.  Together we can make a real difference.

News Flash!!

Here is the latest from Tampacan. We called Marcelo a few minutes ago and he told us that revival is breaking out all over the county.  Special services are being held all over and people are getting saved.  They are having a special service on the steps of the presidencia this evening.  God is moving and they are the ones doing the ministry!  Isn't God great?  We have been praying for them to do the work of the ministry and see God move in their midst without our being there.  Thank you Jesus.

With Christ's love,

Tom, Sheila, and Heather Shidler

 Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

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February 15, 2005 Update


Pastor Priciliano and grandson, Jael
from Puyecatl, San Luis Potosi, Mexico


Eph 1:2-10  Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will, to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment, to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.  NIV

I just love beginning an e-mail with the Scripture.  It's a joy to declare to you what God has set forth in His Word for us, and it's true:  we ARE blessed; He HAS chosen us; we ARE holy and blameless (in HIM); we HAVE BEEN adopted into Him; we ARE redeemed by His blood; we ARE learning His will by His pleasure, and we ARE ONE IN HIM!!!!! Hallelujah!!!

January got off to a busy start.  We spent the first two weeks getting all the year-end office work completed.  It was our great joy to get finished so that we could head south to Tampacan.  How pleased we are to report that the ISOM Bible college that we started last September has not lost one student.  We kicked off the second trimester of the school on the 22nd of January.  The classes are going well.  Pastor Marcelo has proven the perfect choice for the directorship of the school.  He has kept perfect records and is making sure all is in order for each class and that the small group discussions stay on track.  It has been our goal to get him trained to run the school so that we can move to another area and begin another one.  It is our calling to train the brothers in Tampacan to do the work of the ministry and to be equipped to train others who will in turn train others ad infinitum.  We have always believed that our success in the ministry will be when those to whom we are ministering are successful in training and imparting to others.

From time to time, I have to call Pastor Marcelo to discuss ministry matters, and calling him can be a real problem. He has no phone in his home and there isn't one in the church.  The only way I can reach him is to call the local telephone cassette down the street from the church so that they can go fetch him.  I called last Wednesday to speak with him but instead of Marcelo, I got his wife, Yolanda.  He was out in a remote village holding an eyeglass clinic.  On our last trip in we took several boxes of used eyeglasses to be distributed to those in need.  Marcel and I were talking that he could take them to remote villages where they could use an eyeglass clinic to share the Gospel with the people of the village.  It's as if the words are no sooner out of our mouths than he's off and running. He planned that whenever anyone tried on a pair of glasses they would receive a Gospel tract with which to test their vision.  In this way they are sowing the word of God. Like Chris and Deanna have said, "It's not about the house."   We are saying, "It's not about the glasses."

We also were blessed with the opportunity to minister in Pastor Priciliano's church in Puyecatl. The church is high in the mountains, and the people are wonderful.

Sheila visiting with the members of the Puyecatl church

The view from behind the church in Puyecatl

Please be in prayer for Sheila, Heather and me, Tom.  We leave tomorrow (Wednesday) for a two-week trip to Ireland.  As many of you know from the updates of James and Rachel, they have begun a new church there.  They have asked us to come over and help with some foundational teaching.  We will be doing a weekend retreat for them the 18th, 19th, and 20th of February.  They are also setting up some other meetings for us while we are there.  Pray for James' health. He has been suffering from fatigue, and the doctors have not found the problem.  We believe that God will heal him and return his strength.

We look forward to sharing more with you upon our return.

God Bless, and remember Eph 4:11, 12, 13.  Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

Tom and Sheila Shidler

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Rebuilding the Temple


Life Giving Outreach Ministries, Inc. (LGOM) is a by faith non-denominational ministry which means that we are funded through the generosity of those in the Body of Christ with like vision. Unlike many denominational mission groups, we have no support base from which to draw other than that which our Lord provides.

 I was reading in the first chapter of Ezra this morning about how God moved upon the heart of King Cyrus of Persia to make this declaration; “

 Ezra 1:2‑4

"Cyrus, king of Persia, hereby announces that Jehovah, the God of heaven who gave me my vast empire, has now given me the responsibility of building him a Temple in Jerusalem, in the land of Judah. 3 All Jews throughout the kingdom may now return to Jerusalem to rebuild this Temple of Jehovah, who is the God of Israel and of Jerusalem. May his blessings rest upon you. Those Jews who do not go should contribute toward the expenses of those who do and also supply them with clothing, transportation, supplies for the journey, and a freewill offering for the Temple." TLB

 It was in this reading that I saw a parallel to missions support.  We have been called by God to rebuild the temple of God in Mexico and Ireland.  Not a temple in the physical sense but in the sense that as the Bible says,  “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. . .”.1 Cor 6:19‑20 (NIV).   Our calling is to build His body.

 The passage in Ezra goes on the say that all those who have it on their heart to assist in this temple reconstruction are to join them in the work.  We, too, are seeking those whom God has called to come and join us in the work directly.  But the declaration goes on to say in verse four that those who don’t feel called to go with them should participate directly by sending provisions for their journey and labors.

 As in the days of Ezra, the temple building is still under way but somehow we haven’t communicated clearly the need for the financial support for the journey.  Short -term projects, those with a completion date, attract the most attention when it comes to raising support, but the long-term needs, the journey if you will, seem to be harder for the Body to understand.  King Cyrus in the time of Ezra realized that it would take constant provision if the work of rebuilding the temple could continue.  So it is with the temple rebuilding we’re doing in Ireland and Mexico.  We are in need of financial help for the journey and daily provision, i.e., gas, food, electricity, insurance, water, etc. .

 Jesus told His disciples in John 16:24, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. (NIV)   It has not been our practice to ask directly for financial help in the past but after reading in Ezra this morning, the Lord convicted me that I was not giving you, the Body, the opportunity to be a part of this ministry.

 I ask you to prayerfully consider joining with us in one or more areas of ministry.  If you would take a few minutes of your time and click on our web site links below you will find the many different types of ministry going on.  From James and Rachel in Ireland planting a church, to Chris and Deanna using house construction to reach families in Mexico, and  Tom and Sheila training ministers in the Huasteca area of Mexico, there is an area where you can participate either in direct participation or through your financial contributions.

 Through our web site,,  you will find links from which you can contact us so that we can plug you into the area where you desire to serve.  We look forward to rebuilding the temple of God with you now and in the future.

Tom and Sheila Shidler
Life Giving Outreach Ministries

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A Missionary. . .What’s That?

Sheila and I have served as missionaries for over twelve years now, and in all of our years of service, we have run into very few people who have a clear understanding of who or what a missionary is. I have often wondered why. After much prayer and meditation, I have come to the conclusion that the church, as a whole, and those of us serving as missionaries, have not clearly communicated to the Body of Christ who missionaries are and what they do. Webster’s Dictionary defines a missionary as one being sent out with authority to perform a special duty, as by a church or government. The Bible describes a missionary as one called by God in connection with the church. God is the one who calls and the one who sends all into service for Him. He, God, uses the local church to recognize these callings and to do the sending. Take a look at these sections of scripture listed below.

1 Cor. 12:5-11
There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. NKJV

1 Cor. 12:27-28
Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. NKJV

It has been the almost universal belief and definition of the Body of Christ (the church) that all missionaries are church planters and some have even gone as far as to define a missionary as an apostle because they plant churches. The truth is that over the past centuries the majority of the work that has been done by missionaries has been church planting in areas where there were few if any churches. And even today there are still some areas where church planting is the priority (e.g., James and Rachel Krechnyak in Ireland, where less than one percent are Christian ). But in other parts of the world where missionaries of the past have established churches, there is a greater need for training ministries.

Training ministries are ones that are imparting to the local people the skills needed to care for their own. There’s the old saying, "You can give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, or you can teach him to fish and he will feed himself for a lifetime." But, I believe, if you not only teach him to fish but you also teach him how to impart that skill to others then the whole village will eat. I have said for years, "Our success is in their success." It is evident that if what we impart to them they are not able to impart to others, then we have accomplished nothing.

If you hold a church service, you reach a congregation. If you hold a pastors’ conference, you reach many congregations. But if in the process, you train ministers for service who can train others to do the same, you can reach generations. Paul wrote this in 2 Tim. 2: 2:  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. Much of the ground the church has taken from the devil over the past years has not been held because we have failed to train others to train others to train others. If we are to infect this world for Christ, we need to begin by infecting those around us with the desire to infect others so they CAN infect others with the Love of Christ.

By whatever method we choose to impart the love of Christ (church planting, Bible studies, house building, etc.) we will never be effective if we just show them how to do that task. Success only comes when our disciples make disciples who will reach others. In this way we will become effective ministers of the Gospel of Christ.

It’s the desire of our heart here at LGOM to become infectious ministers for Christ. How about YOU? Do you want to see generations touched by the love of Christ? Are you ready to see Ephesians 4:11-13 fulfilled in our lifetime?

Eph. 4:11
It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

If this is your desire, then join with us in infecting our world for Christ. Contact us by email at . We can offer you many ways in which to get involved with the infectious ministry of Christ.

Yours in Christ,
Tom Shidler

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A Prayer for Our President and Our Country

While on a recent trip into Mexico, I was praying for our country's presidential election, and the Lord spoke a word to me while I was reading from 2 Chronicles (The Message Translation).  Here is the prayer He gave me for the election.

When President George Bush is elected for another term as our President, Lord cause him to move forward for our country as King Hezekiah did for Judah.  Cause him, Lord, to stand before the people and call for a rebuilding and a cleansing of the temple(s) of God in our country.  For a complete consecration of those called as ministers of God to the people.

2 Chronicles 29:3... In the first month of the first year of his reign, Hezekiah, having first repaired the doors of the Temple of God, threw them open to the public.  He assembled the Priests and Levites in the court on the east side and said, "Levites, listen!  Consecrate yourselves and consecrate the Temple of God - give this much defiled place a good housecleaning.  Our ancestors went wrong and lived badly before God - they discarded Him, turned away from His house where we met with God, and walked off.  They boarded up the doors, turned out the lights, and canceled all the acts of worship of the God of Israel in the Holy Temple.  And because of that, God's anger flared up and He turned those people into a public exhibit of disaster, a moral history lesson - look and read!  This is why our ancestors were killed and this is why our wives and sons and daughters were taken prisoner and made slaves."

"I have decided to make a covenant with the God of Israel and turn history around so that God will no longer be angry with us.  Children, don't drag your feet in this!  God has chosen you to take your place before Him to serve in conducting and leading Worship - That is your life's work; make sure you do it and do it well."

After dedicating the men and women God  has called to lead in worship, Lord, cause President Bush to stand and make a declaration as King Hezekiah did in 2 Chronicles 30.

2 Chronicles 30:6... "O, Israelites!  Come back to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, so that he can return to you who have survived the predations of the Kings of Assyria.  Don't repeat the sins of your Ancestors who turned their backs on God, the God of their ancestors who brought them to ruin - you can see the ruins all around you.  Don't be pigheaded as your ancestors were.  Clasp God's outstretched hand.  Come to His Holy Temple and Worship, consecrated for all time.  Serve God, your God.  You'll no longer be in danger of His hot anger.  If you come back to God, your captive relatives and children will be treated compassionately and allowed to come home.  Your God is gracious and kind and won't snub you - come back and he'll welcome you with open arms."

Please agree with me in prayer that President Bush will take a stand as King Hezekiah did and lead our nation back to worshiping God, the One True God of our forefathers!


Eph 4:11, 12, 13 Seek your place in the Body and fill it.  We need YOU !

Tom and Sheila Shidler

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ISOM Kick-Off

Today, September 18, 2004, was "KICK-OFF DAY" for the International School of Ministry in Tampacan, San Luis Potosi. Five pastors showed up for the beginning, but as the morning wore on, five more joined in. These classes are a major commitment for two years, every Saturday for four hours, but for those who stay with it, the  rewards will be much more than the associates degree they will earn. They will have a greater understanding of our Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit.

The pastors in one of the break-out sessions.

We were invited to Pastor Marcello's house after the final class to minister to two women, sisters of our long time friend and sister in Christ, Leticia.  Nata and Gabby are the other two remaining sisters of 12 children, three of which died in a tragic car accident two years ago. This is a family that has suffered much death in these past few years. Nata and Gabby came with many questions regarding what they have believed to be their 'family faith." As we ministered truth to them about their own walk with Christ, both came to an understanding of their need to surrender their lives and call Him Lord. It was a precious moment and a privilege to lead these two in prayer as they confessed with their mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord. We give great thanks and praise that we were allowed to be there to participate in leading these two to the Lord.

Afterward, Sister Yolanda prepared a delicious chicken soup. As the plates were passed around, Deanna was offered the plate with all of the "special parts." (You know, the parts that most of us throw away.) Heather was brought the delicacy of delicacies, the chicken foot. I thought that she would pass out. Tom and Chris were so valiant; they offered to take the unfamiliar parts and eat them.

Sunday morning we took the opportunity to show the movie "The Passion of Christ" by Mel Gibson. This movie that overwhelmingly expressed all that our Lord endured for us took America by storm, but the precious people from this area of Mexico would never have had a chance to see this movie if it were not brought to them. After the movie, Pastor Marcelo offered an invitation to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior or renew commitments to Him. Many came seeking forgiveness and salvation.

That evening we took the movie to another village, Tenextitla. The road was under construction, so we were compelled to walk and carry our equipment two miles up the rocky road and over the railing of the bridge, for the bridge was standing in water. Again the people there were moved to respond to the Lord after they viewed this very graphic depiction of His crucifixion. We realized how we take His gift so much for granted. The altar was full as people sought forgiveness for being "casual" Christians and playing around with His grace.

We made the 2-mile walk back to the van, down hill, yet, in the dark. The fun part was crossing that bridge railing again. It was around 10:30 when we got back to the apartment, yet still very warm. We fell into bed and slept fitfully.

In our desire to show Chris and Deanna more of the Huasteca area of Mexico, we set Monday aside for a "tour day." We drove about one hour to a place called "Las Posas de James." Las Posas means "the pools." This is a place where Scotsman Edward James came to Mexico and arranged for artists to come and explore their talents in a beautiful, tropical setting. The workings at times are very overgrown, yet the beauty and splendor of the water falls and the foliage make it worth seeing. Next time you come, maybe we can take you, too.

Mexico is a beautiful country with a fascinating culture full of  art and music. Many of the people are very poor and have precious little of life's comforts. We endeavor to seek those who are in need and help when we can, but above all, our desire is that they know Christ. Paul says, "I have learned to abound and how to abase and in whatever situation I find myself, therefore, to be content." Only knowing Christ can that be true of any of us. He helps us understand what is important.

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